Gender and disability: challenges and aims
Last Thursday we have participated in the first national meeting about gender and disability We are diverse. It was [...]
Last Thursday we have participated in the first national meeting about gender and disability We are diverse. It was [...]
Discover our facilities and our team through this 360 virtual tour, which has been possible thanks to a collaboration agreement [...]
It is more attractive, offers more content and, above all, it is more accessible. The Coses Nostres newsletter has undergone [...]
Today is the World LGBT Pride Day. A day of vindication of rights for all LGTB people with intellectual [...]
2020 has been an atypical year for everyone. And for the people who are part of Som - Fundació [...]
Today, is an important and long awaited day for Som - Fundació. After many months, today the Congress of Deputies [...]
Actualitat El voluntariat que es torna amistat The Municipal Institute for [...]
Jesús N. has been linked with volunteering for more than 30 years. He has collaborated with the Asociació de Familiars [...]
Cristina A. has lived in residences and residential centers since she was 18 years old. She defines herself as [...]
Angel M. is a person who has no family and finds it very difficult to ask other people for help [...]
Some members of the group of Som Companys met in person last month to walk around Monjuïc and recorded a [...]
The social accountability establishes that every activity or company interacts in its surroundings, generating a social, economic, and environmental impact. [...]
At the foundation, we have begun the development of the Cognitive Accessibility program in order to make information accessible and [...]
The Som Companys group finally met in person on October 20th. Not all members of the group were able to [...]
Jerónimo N. and Miquel R. met on August 14th, 2020, although they have been with the foundation for some time, [...]
The family Álvarez García, that has taken part in the programme Futur Planning since 2011, explained to us their life [...]
In the virtual meeting, that the Som Companys group held on May 6th, they proposed to make phone calls to [...]
In the meeting that the group Som Companys held on May 6th, technology did not favour them their virtual meeting, [...]
We begin the process of de-escalation in our foundation, taking into account the regulations contemplated in the State of Alarm. [...] Josep Tresserras, director manager of Som – Fundació, has participated in the online seminar Viure amb bons suports, (Living [...]
The group Som Companys, formed by persons with intellectual disabilities we care, have sued for the first time a video [...]
The group of Som Famílies, formed by 9 families of the programme Planificació de Futur, had a meeting for the [...]
The Asociación Española de Fundaciones Tutelares (AEFT) promotes the creation of a speakers' network formed by persons with intellectual disability [...]
Valentí C. has been nominated to the Premi Esportista de Terrassa 2019 in the category of “adapted sport for persons [...]
The “berenar” (high tea) we had last February 27th with the persons of the foundation was a bit special because [...]