Categories: Sin categoríaPublished On: 30 de October de 2020

At the foundation, we have begun the development of the Cognitive Accessibility program in order to make information accessible and promote the autonomy and participation of the people with intellectual disabilities we attend.

The first phase of the program consists of selecting the most relevant documents and proposing the corresponding content in easy reading. The content must be validated by a group of people with intellectual disabilities attended by the foundation.

The program is led by Angels Gomà, responsible for the program, and she has the collaboration of two working groups formed by the following people:

  • Professionals of the entity
    Antonio Manuel Ferrer, l’Eugenia Muñoz, Juan Carlos Feliziani, Margui Grau, la Núria Mañes and Ramón Remiro meet periodically to review the chosen documents, adapt their content and make a proposal for easy reading.
  • People we supportaccessibilitat-cognitiva-persones-discapacitat
    Angel R., l’Asunción S., Fernando M., l’Ivan L., Joaquina N., la Marta F. and Ramón L. accompanied by Montse Santos have participated in weekly meetings to work on the document of the Statement of accounts.

Marta F., Antonio Luis R., la Rafi V. and Roman R., accompanied by Àngels Gomà and Margui Grau, meet weekly to advance the process of validating the documents, which are being adapted now.

The group of professionals is currently working on the following documents:

  • Written agreement
    It contemplates the commitment of supports that the foundation agrees with the family so that when it is no longer there or when the judge so decides, it takes care of his relative.
  • Statement of accounts
    It reflects the economic situation of the person with a disability whom the foundation supports.
  • We protect your information
    Includes easy-to-read data protection information.
  • Family pact
    It includes the foundation’s support agreements with the person with a disability and their family
    As people with intellectual disabilities, attended by the foundation, validate the various contents, new documents will be selected to begin the process of adaptation in easy reading.

At the same time, the foundation is part of the Hablamos Fàcil (We speak easy) project of the Asociación Española de Fundaciones Tutelares, which consists of creating a model of easy-to-read court ruling. Angels Gomà and Margui Grau, professionals of the foundation, and Marina O., whom we support, are participating in this project.
