The group Som Companys, formed by persons with intellectual disabilities we care, have sued for the first time a video call to gather in this time of confinement and be able to see each other and share their spirits, the activities they are doing these days and the initiatives that they would like to develop when this situation ends.
The professionals who boost the meeting of this group, Carla Arcos, Jennifer Jiménez, Montse Gozálvez, together with the coordinators of the social area, Maria Pàmies and Raul Olivera, summoned the meeting and elaborated previously the content of it.
Most of the assistants declared that they were a bit bored an, evidently, eager to go out. On the other hand, two people commented the situation of anguish that have lived themselves these days for not being able to express the condolences to those who have lost a relative or a friend.
We have been surprised by the quantity and diversity of the activities carried out. Besides watching TV, they have organised themselves to listen to their favourite music, drawing, physical exercise, walking inside their flats, do the shopping for their flatmates, walk their dogs, and even, doing gym of feet with the specific machine they have in their homes.
Regarding the initiatives they would like to carry out when this confinement finishes, all of them keep relationship with leisure and social relationships, such as go and visit their relatives or friends, going to the beach or to the countryside, barbecuing, sunbathing … Definitely, the possibility of recovering the life we enjoyed before this situation.
After the meeting, the professionals have given to them information and free links to enjoy during these days films, plays, magazines, gym exercises, virtual visits to museums … that may make easier and affordable this confinement.
The meeting has been highly participated. The group has felt at ease sharing their experiences, and they have taken advantage to cheer up each other, and share funny moments.