Group of ethical reflection in social services (ERESS)
Som Fundació
The group of ethical reflection in social services
of Som – Fundació
it is a space of orientation
that helps people
linked to the entity
to solve ethical questions
about people’s attention
with intellectual or developmental disability.
Dialogue is facilitated in this space,
and all the participants
can give their opinion.
Set of norms and rules
that direct people’s behavior.
For example,
guide peolple about what is good or bad,
what is allowed
or what is mandatory.
Who is part of the space for ethical reflection in social services?
The team is made up of professionals
from different departments of Som — Fundació
who have training in ethics:
- 3 professionals from the social area.
- A person from the legal area.
- A person from the accounting area.
- … a member of the board of trustees.
Board of trustees
Group of people
who make decisions
in a social or cultural entity.
What does the Group for Ethical Reflection in Social Services do?
The functions of the ERESS team are:
- Guide in situations that generate an ethical dilemma with:
- persones who we support
- families
- voluntary people
- management team.
- Promote correct ways of acting
that boost respect
for people in situations of disagreement
and in the application of the rights of people with disabilities.
- Inform other organizations
and the rest of society
on ethical values.
- Improve the knowledge of professional people in ethical issues.
How to submit an inquiry
People interested in ethical topics,
specifically on attention of persons with intellectual disabilities,
can send their questions
or by post.
It is necessary to include the following information:
- Name and surname of the person concerned.
- Date and entity to which he/she belongs.
- Summary of the specific situation of the consultation.
- Suggested question or topic.