The Asociación Española de Fundaciones Tutelares (AEFT) promotes the creation of a speakers’ network formed by persons with intellectual disability of the different entities. This initiative is framed within the programme of sensitivity and empowerment of the Association carried out thanks to the grant of the 0, 7% de l’IRPF.
The speakers’ network will work to favour the self-representation and defence of the rights of the persons under the support of our entities. The persons who take part in this network will be elected by the Association.
Som – Fundació has joined this project encouraging the participation of the persons under our support in these different stages:
- Presentation of candidates
Two men and two women will be the candidates to take part of this network - Creation of material
We have provided the necessary support to the candidates for the elaboration of technical sheets and the required video
- Voting process
In the reception desk of the foundation we included the informative flashcards about the creation of the speakers’ network and the information about the four candidates. This way, the users that visited the entity had access to the information and were able to cast their vote. Likewise, the candidates presented themselves in the “berenar”acelebrated last February 27th and, later, the assistants participated in the voting process. - Vote counting
The professionals who attended the “berenar” in the voting process had the list of people who had already voted in our headquarters to avoid any duplicity. The vote counting took place lastMarch, 9th and informed the candidates about the result. The most voted persons were Rebeca Espluga and Ángel Prades. They will be the persons who represent our entity.
The Association will select between eight or ten members of the network, one man or one woman per entity. In the case that two candidates of the same entity are selected, the one with most votes will be chosen.
We hope Rebeca or Àngel take part in the speakers’ network. Good luck!