Categories: Foundation, Sin categoríaPublished On: 2 de March de 2020

The “berenar” (high tea) we had last February 27th with the persons of the foundation was a bit special because we had several activities. We started the meeting with the presentation of candidates for the xarxa de Portaveus (speakers’ network) of the Asociación Española de Fundaciones Tutelares and went on with an activity invigorated by a group of volunteers voluntariat-lacaixa-suportof the Associació de Voluntaris de La Caixa.

As the berenar took place during the last day of Carnival, we considered adequate to design an activity related with this traditional date. On this occasion, we brought forward the time of the meeting with the purpose of having more time to enjoy the activity and enjoy the company of all of us.

At 17.30 the volunteers started to distribute the material among the assistants so that they could create ant paint their masks of carnival. Immediately, everybody got down to the job. Some people did not require any help to elaborate their creations an others needed a bit of support to fix the last details to the masks. Nevertheless, all the masks were superb, as you can see in the photos.


After the activity, we started to have our meal and we had a long chat,
with anecdotes and good moments to remember.
