Categories: Sin categoríaPublished On: 1 de January de 2020

The programme #I can also be a volunteer  (#ICanToo) of Som – Fundació has been awarded with the 3rd prize of the 27 edition of Volunteering award, granted by Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies de la Generalitat. This award recognises the task that we are carrying out to promote the social inclusion of the persons with intellectual disabilities that we attend through their participation in the community, offering them an important change of role: they change from being helped to support other persons.

The programme implies an added value, not only for the persons with disabilities that are the users of the foundation, but also to the entities that incorporate them as volunteers, because they generate enriching dynamics within their own teams.

On the other hand, #ICanToo is a total cooperative programme that involves different social agents, from federations to organizations and associations encouraging networking in order to promote the incorporation of people into volunteering, further than their intellectual disability.
It is important to outstand that all the persons have the right to participate in the social life through the volunteering option, showing their generosity and their human values further than their disability. Inclusive volunteering is a great opportunity to get close the persons with disability to the community and, at the same time, empower them as citizens with full rights.

Som – Fundació continue devoting the efforts to make grow this programme and we go on working in network to increase the number of entities that incorporate persons with disabilities in their programmes of Volunteering
