Emergency service
The project Compto amb vosaltres (“I count on you”, in Catalan)
aims to support
to the people we serve
in emergencies
outside working hours.
This accompaniment can be requested
every day of the year
for 24 hours
in the following cases:
• Fleeing or not returning home.
• Emergency hospital admission.
• Death.
• Crisis, unforeseen or emergency situations.
Loss of house keys.
Water leaking to the floor.
Serious conflicts with neighbours.
Som — Fundació offers this support
to persons who do not have a sufficient degree of autonomy,
do not have family support
or any aid network.
These people may need help in an emergency
to guide them,
facilitate communication
and sign the necessary documentation.
If this support,
which improves communication between the person
and emergency professionals,
is not available
the following risks may occur:
- Out of time diagnosis or misdiagnosis of their pathologies.
- Unfollow the indicated treatment correctly.
- Failure to carry out a legal procedure to which you are involved.
- Violation of their rights.
When the rights of all people
are not respected.