Categories: VolunteeringPublished On: 15 de June de 2021

It has already arrived! The video recorded by the students of IFE of the Escola Vida Montserrat (Acidh) about the experience of volunteering at Som — Fundació has just come out of the oven, but we are pleased to present it to you to enjoy it all together.
You will discover, in this Youtube link, how the volunteering experience is about explained by our volunteers. There you will find who they are and the people they go with, how often they see each other, what they do and a lot of other interesting things!

Would you like to live the volunteering experience? Click here!
To Núria, Carme’s volunteer, it’s very simple: “It’s like meeting a friend, we do the same things, and I’m very happy because I learn a lot from Carme: her self-esteem and her personality is so appealing, and sometimes I wish to be like she is”. Also Carme enjoys a lot meeting with Núria.
Oriol came to Som — Fundació to get some information about the volunteering programme and he showed his interest about cinema. He did “match” with Antonio, who also loves watching movies and discovering secrets of Barcelona’s history. When they meet they do what they like most, as going to cinema, visiting museums and having different cultural activities. Oriol said “I recommend this experience because it’s very meaningful, and you share moments with someone like Antonio with whom you surely will have a nice time”.
Ignasi, Manolo and Josep Maria’s volunteer, says that although he tries to bring joy to both of them, he always receives more happiness than what he does. He said “If I didn’t do volunteering, I would definitely miss it”.
Foto de grupo personas con discapacidad
This is a short version video of the part they have done for the project Mirades: veure i viure el voluntariat, (The looks: see and live volunteering) promoted by the Catalan Federation of Social Volunteering (FCVS).
We would like to thank the FCVS and Escola Vida Montserrat (Acidh) for this initiative, and we are especially thankful to the students who made it possible: Sarah, Carla, Sandra, Judit, Agustí and Adrià for the interviews, Oksana and David for the script and Sergi and Andrea for the shooting.
Personas jóvenes con discapacidad
We love it guys, well done!
