The VI Contest of Christmas cards had the participation of 47 persons who sent their original and diverse proposals. We must point out that in this edition the pandemic times have been reflected in some cards. Some of the participants have included the detail of the facemasks on the Cristmas trees and on the snowmen.
The Comissión of Christmas cards, composed by Cande Infante, Lluis Puigdomènech, Montse Alomà, Nuria Sandín and Olga Vilanova had difficulties to select the 10 finalists.
Between the 20th and 27th of November took place the casting of votes. In spite of not being able to have the traditional berenar, we had the participation of a great number of people -volunteers, users, professionals, and members of the patronage- in the polls. We had also some voters from persons who follow us in the Facebook page of the foundation.
After the counting, we can present you the winners with a tie of votes in the first place:
The four Christmas cards winners will be used for the Christmas greeting of the foundation.
We must congratulate the winners and we encourage the rest of the participants to send us their cards in the next edition.
We also want to thank to all the people who have made the celebration of this contest possible: from the participants to the people who have participated in the polls.