Categories: Coses NostresPublished On: 20 de June de 2022

We just have released a new edition of Coses Nostres accessible magazine.
This edition is number 183, and corresponds to the month of June.

You can read Coses Nostres online by clicking here.

This month we want to tell you the story of the Saray.
Saray is a person we support who has started a gender transitioning process.
A gender transitioning process means that a person does not feel like the gender they were born with,
and begins therapy to be a person of the opposite gender.
In the case of Saray, she was born as a man,
but she does not feel identified as a man, but as a woman.

portada Coses Nostres

We’re telling you this story because on June 28th we celebrate the International LGBT Pride Day.
It’s a day to remember that there are other preferences for identity and sexual orientation
different from the usual ones.

We also tell you about other news from our foundation,
like the prize we won for our flexible schedule,
the visit to the Chocolate Museum with Som Companys group
or the return of “la Caixa” volunteers.

We hope you enjoy it!

This post is written in easy reading, but it is pending to be validated.
